Diesel Technic clients know that they can rely on the company’s branded spare parts. There is a reason why buyers get 24 months warranty on DT Spare Parts and 12 months on SIEGEL Automotive products. It is because the existing structures and processes of this full-service supplier of automotive parts and accessories are designed for the reliability, safety and quality of the products it offers.
The Diesel Technic Quality System is divided into four core processes: product development, initial sample inspection, series inspection and aftersales support.
Product development is backed by decades of expertise acquired in the automotive industry, extensive experience in product management and specialist technical knowledge of product development. The company collaborates exclusively with suppliers who are certified in accordance with the international standards of the automotive industry.
The supplier produces an initial sample on the basis of the product development specifications. These are inspected in detail by Diesel Technic in Germany and must fulfil all the requirements and criteria specified. It is only after passing inspection that the approval is given to the supplier for series production.
Series production by a certified supplier is done using the most modern production and inspection processes. To ensure consistently high quality in series inspection, random checks are performed on every batch according to the specifications of test plans and automotive standards. Every item is also visually inspected as part of the goods receipt process.
The service does not end when the product is purchased. If you need support after you have bought your product, you can contact the experts at Aftersales Support. Aftersales Support does much more than merely being there for the warranty – it is also an aid for preventing the need for warranty claims entirely.
Distribution partners and their workshop customers are supported by experienced master mechanics/mechatronics technicians from the automotive industry for technical questions about Diesel Technic brand products. Multilingual, illustrated assembly instructions, training sessions and videos support the mechanics in the workshop with installation and avoid recurring assembly errors.
The structure of the various processes ensures the quality of the products and offers distribution partners and customers of the DT Spare Parts and SIEGEL Automotive brands reliability – because there is nothing worse than having your vehicle break down.
For more information, please visit our website: http://www.dtqs.de
DTQS: Diesel Technic Quality System